
Thursday, July 8, 2021

how to solve math problems

This is 5 stratergies on how to solve math problems and can you solve it.
heres is my slide show of how to do it. I hope you enjoy it.


I didint finsh this but i am going to but I will make another of it finish I hope.
this is a bolg post about appple crumble bars and we finished making them we just need to do the rest
so I will hope it will be finished tomorrow. But it will be the last day of school!

Character discription

 Jeffery is a cheeky man who lived across the road from the church. He is a hillbilly adult with  his own diy mullet hairstyle,he has a light, brown monobrow covering his forehead.Jeffrey walked like a clown in his shoes which have long shoe laces but when he tries to walk he trips over his shoe laces each time he dances.But a couple of days later he moved to a private jet with his one and only kid so they went on a trip together. 3 years later his shoes had holes in them, no food and can’t get out but the kid had no skin, he was just a pile of bones.

This is a character discription about Jeffery from the story called hitting the target.